Life of a Half Lefty

Well, I’ve touched base on the fact that I am left-handed in a previous blog.  It really can be a bittersweet nightmare. One hand No one wants to jam on my Sheraton II (damage control). On the other hand, I go to jams and these dudes have Fenders, Gibson Les Pauls, Gretsch with the Bigsby tremolo bar and I can’t jam on none of ‘em. I’m a right-handed righter, thrower, eater…. Yet, I play left-handed, go figure. I have suspected it has something to do with my dad being totally left-handed. Even though he plays the piano, which is right-handed because a left-handed piano would cost a fortune. I digress… my folks tried to correct me but to no avail. So I have spent my life with this odd thing about me.  Now, I saw how Hendrix just restrung a right-handed, that’s because left-handed guitars were less common and more expensive. I’ve seen some left players though, that DID NOT restring. Dick Dale is one of them. It’s not a faux pas, Dick Dale tore that shit up. Once again, I digress a bit. So when I go to places like Guitar Center, or some chain. There are maybe like 5 leftys….  Bummer, right?

The one time I found my dream acoustic was at the Gibson store in Nashville, It was a big fat-bodied flat top with a flowery pickguard. I was in Heaven for a brief moment…….. Then I dropped it.