No Cover Charge

I’ve noticed and Van has participated in this new thing on Facebook. There are so many talented artists doing live performances on Facebook Live. Not just musicians, I saw a lady do a Tarot card reading.

It’s amazing how much we scroll through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and just find so much negative junk but there are artists out there offering FREE shows. In most cases, musicians make their money from doing live gigs. While just about everyone is in quarantine right now, live gigs aren’t really an option. Yet these wonderful, creative humans have created a space to continue to share their talent, their art, and their everything to entertain and remind the world the reason we NEED art in our everyday lives.

While being in quarantine, we have a tendency not to get dressed to a 10, do our hair, makeup, and for some of us that lead us into a bit of a depression. Where we live, The Swampier Reaches, we just had a week of 70-degree weather and constant sunshine and we don’t necessarily have an option to enjoy the weather from our patio with our two dogs. Our apartment complex is large and we have this great patio outside, but there are some truly psychotic children outside (right behind our apartment) from 7 am to 11 pm and sometimes you don’t want to have to tell someone else’s children to go away, I can just imagine 15 minutes outside I would be yelling “GET OFF MY LAWN!” (it’s a shared lawn, we have a small patio and the grass is shared). Therefore we are locking ourselves in our apartment more and more and more and more…..

I have to say I’m fairly sure we aren’t alone, feeling unmotivated and a little down, possibly frustrated with children, outside, all the time too? No? Okay.. We’ll be alone in that boat. What brings us out of this funk is music, art, love, and FINALLY utilizing technology for good. We can spend hours watching the news and feel there is no end to this madness (there will be an end to it, promise.) or we can spend hours watching, listening, and supporting fellow musicians while they share their weird with the world. (if you don’t think you are feeling off YOUR usual course while in quarantine, you must have already been a bit crazy).

So hope online and take a look or just listen to these CRAZY talented musicians, get a tarot reading (not sure if that is the proper way to say that, blame me, correct me, whatever you need to do). Network differently, appreciate that we CAN do these things together, as a community.

Here is a link to join Socially Distant Fest šŸ‘‰ tip those you like, if you CAN, if you can’t, please share, like, or comment show your support!

Above is Van Harlow’s 1st live performance in the Socially Distant Fest.